Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

We will gladly respond within 24 hours!

Contact - 800-939-4640 text or leave message.

ADDRESS: 79 Claremont Place, Belmont Shore CA 90803 Click on link for online directions.
We are on the sand at Claremont Place not Claremont Ave (nearby homes). Summer traffic can add time, so plan for this and please be prompt. Walk towards the ocean onto paved Claremont Place boat lauchramp. Right side on the sand is SoCal Kitesurfing. Our red tent is across from the beach restrooms.

PARKING: Free street parking and paid metered lot at 54th and Ocean Blvd. Summer weekends allow extra time as there may be nearby events filling the parking lot.

FACILITIES: Public restrooms and outside showers on site. Food and stores are 2 blocks away so brings drinks and snacks.

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