Lesson FAQs
Can you explain the course options?
Our 3-hr beginning course is really the combination of Intro 1 + Intro 2.
Intro 1 is flying a smaller kite to get the idea so this is actually safe for any age. Then we show the kite setup and launch and landing the big kites. This is super fun and you will know if you want more! This is always at 11:30am in lighter wind.
Intro 2 is not in group its just 1 or 2 students per instructor with the big kites. The kite is the hard part. We master those kites before heading into the water. This is always at 1pm right after intro 1.
Next is Waterstart. 3 hrs all water. This is always at 2:30pm right after intro 2.
These all combined make up our 6-hr complete course to ride. You can do these all in a day or in segments. You save $50 if you do the 6 hrs all in one day. This is the most popular course and may be all you need. If you want even more then you can always follow up with a private 2 or 3 hr water lesson.
The 3 and 5 day courses combine the beginning + waterstart + private lessons and supervised rentals to make a great package for success.
Why kitesurf?
It is not too often that as adults we are able to learn something completely new. Kitesurfing is something new and amazing! Yes you will feel like a bird in flight!
Is it Safe?
Due to our quality training, safe location and mild conditions, we have no issues. Each year SoCal Kitesurfing conducts free kiter safety clinics and we even train the lifeguards. Teaching yourself or friends is not safe or legal. Our community works together to see that newbies take professional lessons to avoid any issues. Our mission is to keep kiting safe, and thereby keep the beaches open to kiting. Take professional lessons and be part of our kite community!
Is strength required?
You will be surprised that kitesurfing does not require a lot of strength. The kite is hooked to your harness belt, so you can steer the kite with just your fingers.
Can women kitesurf?
Of course! We are teaching many women, and we have many great female instructors.
What about Children?
Children can learn, but may not have the patience for such a technical sport. It is more a question of desire than ability, and it really varies with the kids. 18 is a good age to learn. 12-years old is a good age if they really have the interest. 9-years old is the minimum age allowed to take lessons. Kids should learn with an adult that they will be kiting with in the future who can keep an eye on them.
If I surf/wakeboard/snowboard/ski/skateboard will kitesurfing be easy?
This is certainly helpful as boardriding is one part of kitesurfing, but its not necessary. Controlling the kite is key.
I sail/windsurf/paraglide/fly stunt kites/ will this help?
Windsports is a great background for kitesurfing. It's like sailing on a wakeboard!
What if I have no similar sports background?
Actually, as kitesurfing is quite unique, you don't need any special background for learning the sport. Some of our best students had a background in balance sports like yoga and break-dancing, or hand-eye coordination like video games. It also has appeal to airline pilots and information technology junkies, due to its technical nature. Entrepreneurs like it due to the challenge and thrills. Kitesurfing can be enjoyed by all.
How long does it take?
We teach the complete course in 6 hours. It's comprehensive training, and you will be introduced to most of what you need to know to be safe and self-sufficient, but much experience will be needed to become an expert kitesurfer. After a complete course-to-ride lesson some are able to buy a kite and go it alone from that point forward, some take more lessons, some rent a kite and have an instructor supervise them while they practice to become more proficient. The important thing to remember is to enjoy the learning stage as its the most fun. Its not a race its a life experience. Enjoy the ride.
What about advanced lessons?
We offer advanced lessons if you need to learn something specific, such as staying upwind, jumping, or doing your first backroll, learning to ride a strapless surfboard, or even the hydrofoil. Many kiters try to advance their skills with random advice from friends, but get frustrated with this approach. Invest in a structured lesson from an teacher that understands the steps to learning- you'll quickly move ahead!
How is the kite community in SoCal?
We have a super-friendly, diverse kite community. Don’t worry the only attitude in this sport is friendliness. It’s very refreshing.